Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Healing Cream

Hi guys :). Sorry I havn't blogged in a while but to be honest i've not had much that was so great for me to blog about.
Anyways i do now. The product i'm going to talk about now is called Gentamicina or Gentalyn and it is the equivalent of Panoxyl in the UK and you can get it in any farmacy and in the UK they sell it over the counter in Boots.
So i've been using this product for a while now, about 6 months and every time it runs out i go back to it. I love it.  It helps clear up my spots quickly.
The way i use it is i put it on before i go to bed and leave it on and by the morning my spots are noticeably better.
The Gentamicina that is 0.1% and i don't know if you can get it in a higher percentage, however i know that in England you can.
I will definatly never stop using this product it really helps me and i rely on it and know that it works on my skin.

Have any of you guys tried this product out? If yes what did you think of it?
