Monday, July 16, 2012

Castor Oil

Today I want to tell you guys what I use castor oil for, why I started using it, how I use it and if it helps.
So the reason I started using this product is because a couple of months ago I had a really bad experience with my hair. I kept scratching my scalp then I change my shampoo and it got better however one day I ran my fingers through my hair and felt a bald spot on my head. I totally freaked out as someone would and immediately started looking on google and youtube for a cure. The videos that I watched and the articles that  I read all said that castor oil was a good way of growing hair. 
So the next day I rushed out and bought it. That night I started using it and I am so grateful to whoever made castor oil because it worked.
I've recently started using it on my eyebrows, seeing at they were measly little things and I hated them. I don't know why I didn't have the idea before. I've only been doing this a week or so and it has already made a major difference.

How I use it on my hair

What I do is before bed I put it all over my head especially on the place where it is needed the most, then I tie my hair up in a bun and put it in a swimming cap and leave it over night.
The next day I have a shower and wash my hair thoroughly two times.
I do this every other night.

How I use it on my eyebrows

Every night before bed I take a cotton bud dip it in the castor oil and then take it over my eyebrows a few times.

Have any of you used castor oil? Do you use it for something else? What is it? Do you like it?Leave your thoughts in the comments. 


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