Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Top Tips On Tuesdays: Let It Out

I did contemplate putting this on my other blog seeing as it isn't beauty or fashion related, however I did state          that I would be talking and giving tips on absolutely anything. So I will be always doing Top Tips On Tuesdays on this blog. 

So after this long winded introduction lets get onto todays subject.
Today I want to write about what you can do when you're feeling down, or having a hard day. Well my advice is very simple and probably quite obvious. The best way to get you through bad times is either talk to someone or write it down in a diary. 

As you get older it will probably get easier for you to talk to your parents. I know that now I'm older I tell my mum nearly everything and if I'm worrying about something I talk to her about it. This helps because she can advise on what to do, it's also nice to have a cuddle with her as well, that always makes me feel better.

So talking to a family member whether it's your sibling or a parent really does help. However I know that if you aren't very close to your family or you are in your teens you don't feel like telling your family how you are feeling. 
If you are one of the above then you should just write your feeling down. I always used to keep a diary when   I was growing up. I had an awful time at school and was not the happiest at home, so writing it down really helped me. When I had written in my diary after a hard day, my concerns were much less and I wasn't holding anything in anymore. You need to share your problems because not talking or writing about them won't make things any easier. They will just accumulate inside of you until you can't take it anymore, and nobody wants that. So keep a diary, it can be handwritten or kept on the computer. It isn't obligatory to write in it everyday, just write in it when you feel like it. It can be filled with sadness, anger,happiness, whatever. The diary is yours and yours only, no one needs to know what's written in it they don't even have to know. 

Writing down and sharing my feelings with someone is so helpful to me. It makes things just that little bit easier. I don't know what I would have done growing up if I hadn't kept a diary. I also don't know what I would do without my mum helping me out all the time.

What is your approach to dealing with problems or bad days? Tell me in the comments.


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