Sunday, August 19, 2012

Contact lenses

I've decided to do this post because I think that it is very important how you handle contact lenses. I know that the people who have been wearing contacts for years probably know this stuff and it might be really obvious to some of you, however I'd like to do it for the ones that have just started using contact lenses and therefore are inexperienced in handling them. 

So the first thing is to make sure you're putting them in and taking them out properly, however you don't have to learn on your own the optician will show you how to put them in and how to take them out. 

The next thing is always, always, always wash your hands before and after putting them on and taking them off. This is so important, because obviously we are touching things that have bacteria on them all day and if you then touch you eyes without having washed your hands it is likely that you will give yourself an infection. 
If you are out somewhere where you aren't able to wash your hands, then it is a good idea that you keep a disinfectant hand gel in your bag so at least that will prevent some of the bacteria fro being transferred from your hand to your eyes. 

Another thing that you should remember to put in your bag is your contact lense case with preferably some solution in it, you glasses case with your glasses in them. This is a handy thing to do because say your lenses are irritating your eyes or even if your out with friends and decide to stay the night at theirs then at least you can take them out, clean them and you also have the glasses so you're not going around not being able to see properly. 

A good thing to do is give yourself one day a week where you don't wear them. This will give your eyes a whole days rest. I usually do this on a Sunday,but it is up to you which day you choose. 

One last tip I'd like to give those who might be thinking of starting to wear contacts is that I think the best lenses to get are monthly ones. It cost me less to get those than the daily ones, and also with the monthly ones you can take them out and put them in whenever you want.
For example sometimes if I've been wearing them all day, but I know I'm going out in the evening I can take them out rest my eyes for a bit, give them a bit of a clean and them put them in again when I'm about to go out. 


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